Digital Health Compendium

Harnessing the Power of Digital Health Technology for Family Planning and Reproductive Health

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What Is Digital Health?


Target Users: WHO classifies digital health interventions based on four categories of intended users.  Learn more about WHO’s Classification of Digital Health Interventions.

Enabling Environment Building Blocks: The digital health enabling environment consists of interrelated building blocks that support a robust national digital health ecosystem and the individual applications and systems that work within it. Learn more in the National eHealth Strategy Toolkit from WHO and the International Telecommunications Union.

Family Planning Program Classification: Digital health applications in family planning programs can be broadly classified as those affecting demand generation, service delivery, supply chain management, and the policy and enabling environment.

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Reaching Women, new Mothers, and Male Partners in Benin with Health Information through an SMS and IVR Platform New

An SMS and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service for supporting pregnant women, their partners, and parents of infants under one year to access information on general health, child development, positive health care seeking behavior at the household level.

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Covid-19 International Planned Parenthood Federation (Ippf) Innovation and Best Practice: Responding to Gendered Violence in a Pandemic, Indonesia New

Digital Health Interventions (DHIs) to ensure efficient access and referral for family planning, HIV/AIDS, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), and relationship support.

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PSI Social Business Unit’s Strategy to Deliver SRHR Products to Consumers’ Front Door During the COVID-19 Pandemic New

A global Digital Acceleration Strategy (DAS) that leverages digital channels including social media, telemedicine, e-counseling, and e-pharmacy platforms to safely continue providing consumers with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) self-care information, connecting clients to care, and delivering high-quality products during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on the learnings from the DAS, PSI will be expanding its digital work to a holistic sexual health and wellness offering through the launch of VIYA, PSI's first global lifestyle brand.

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Doctors@Distance New

A telehealth approach that helps community health workers provide basic health services, sexual and reproductive health services, and products to communities in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Burundi.

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Bornfyne New

A mobile application that supports access to information on family planning, sexual and reproductive health, and other public health areas.

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iDEA: Interactive Distance Education Application

Providing health workers with mobile-based video instruction and reference materials

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