Costed Implementation Plan (CIP) Performance Dashboard

Allows countries to track, analyze, and visualize the status of achieving a set of results articulated in multi-year actionable roadmaps to meet a country’s family planning goals

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Christine Lasway Email
Senior Technical Advisor
Kathryna Corpuz Email
Associate, Health

Implementation Partners

Health Policy Plus (HP+), a five-year cooperative agreement funded by USAID, is implemented by Palladium, in collaboration with Avenir Health, Futures Group Global Outreach, Plan International USA, Population Reference Bureau, RTI International, ThinkWell, and the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood.

The United Nations Foundation, through the FP2020 partnership, provided technical and financial support to develop the digital tool. 


United Nations Foundation

Implementation Dates

January 2017 – August 2022

Geographic Scope

Madagascar, Ghana

Target Users

Data Services Provider

Enabling Environment Building Blocks

Strategy and Investment, Services and Applications, Infrastructure

Family Planning Program Classification

Policy and Enabling Environment


A global focus on family planning in the past decade, as demonstrated by the formation of the Ouagadougou Partnership in 2011 and the Family Planning Partnership 2020 (FP2020) in 2012, has led to significant strides toward achieving universal access to voluntary family planning. As part of FP2020, 43 countries have made commitments to increase access to and choice of contraceptives for women and girls. Three-quarters of these countries have developed costed multi-year action plans, referred to as costed implementation plans or CIPs, to guide the government and stakeholders on a common path to achieving their family planning goals. CIPs articulate the results that need to be achieved at output, outcome, and goal levels.

For countries executing their CIPs, a lack of information on how they are progressing to achieve results is a key constraint in effectively stewarding the plan forward. While routine health information systems exist, data generated is insufficient to inform effective and efficient monitoring of CIP execution. The CIP Performance Dashboard is a tool that applies a focused monitoring approach to allow countries to continuously monitor achievement of performance targets for a set of key results drawn from CIPs.

Project/Digital Health Solution Overview

The CIP Performance Dashboard is a web-based data management tool that allows countries to track, analyze, and visualize the status of achieving a set of results articulated in multi-year actionable roadmaps to meet a country’s family planning goals. The dashboard is developed as an application of the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2). The tool calculates a performance score for key performance indicators (KPI) based on data collected on a quarterly basis to targets articulated in a CIP within a specified period of time, usually one to five years. The resulting traffic signal color-coded performance score shows progress in achieving set targets for the key results at a point in time.

Inputs to the CIP Performance Dashboard are produced by creating a CIP map and Priority Results Achievement Chart (PRAC). The CIP map outlines a country’s key results, selected through a prioritization process of ascertaining high investment focus areas. The PRAC specifies KPIs, assigned weights, and annual targets. The development of a CIP map and PRAC are stakeholder-inclusive and provide a useful opportunity to build consensus around which results best capture a successfully implemented CIP. Color-coded performance scores can be visualized at the level of a key result and KPI. In addition, the dashboard includes a set of graphs that show progress over time.

The dashboard provides countries with the means to continuously monitor performance of executing the plan, identify bottlenecks to effective implementation, and improve coordination. This information is critical to supporting informed decisionmaking for improved implementation performance and resource mobilization, thus contributing to effective country stewardship.

Evaluation and Results Data

No evaluations are available at this time. The dashboard is used in two countries—Madagascar and Ghana. An evaluation is currently in the planning stages and will be completed by the end of 2020.

Lessons Learned

  • A lack of information systems to routinely capture data for process and output-level indicators for a country’s health program makes it difficult to measure results.
  • The performance results displayed in the tool reflect the availability and quality of data entered.
  • The growing user community of DHIS2 worldwide has reduced the learning curve for stakeholders to adopt and use the tool.
  • While the dashboard provides valuable information on CIP performance, meaningful impact cannot be accomplished without stakeholder engagement and buy-in for the CIP monitoring process.


On February 12, 2020, the Ghana Health Service Family Health Division and 10 of the country’s family planning stakeholders held the first performance review meeting for the Ghana Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (GFPCIP) 2016-2020. The purpose of the meeting was to assess progress in achieving key milestones articulated in the GFPCIP through implementation of priority interventions by the government and stakeholders. The GFPCIP Performance Monitoring Plan monitors execution of 12 select results on a quarterly basis. According to performance data collected during the period from 2016 to the first quarter of 2019, Ghana has met or is close to meeting milestones for nine of the 12 results.


CIP Performance Dashboard, Version 2.0, User Guide (
